
Why lazy developers write beautiful code?

Javier Arias

  • 24 September 2017, 10:30 a.m. - 11 a.m.
  • Room Intelygenz
  • Idioma: en

There has been a lot of discussion during the last 50 years about the nature of programming: Is it an art like poetry? Is it craftsmanship like pottery? Is it an exact science like physics? Or a non exact science like medicine? Is it engineering like bridge building?

Whatever the nature of software development is: during this time, a lot of tools and techniques have appeared to make your lazy-developer life more difficult: Coding conventions, OOP, FP, SOLID, Design Patterns, Tests, TDD, UML, Use-cases, CASE tools, Refactoring, RUP, Agile, SCRUM, Continuous Integration, Code Complexity Metrics, Emergent Architecture, DevOps, SCM... and whatnot! But, sometimes, being a lazy developer makes you do things that seemed counterintuitive, in order to pursue your main objective: WORK LESS.


Javier is passionate about technology, distributed systems and software development and has recently took a particular interest in Machine Learning. He is also a regular speaker at Tech events where he likes to share and learn from others.

Out with the tech world, he loves photography, travelling (good thing he works at Skyscanner!) and always moves around using his beloved-old bike. A father of two small girls, who enjoys spending time in family.