
Retos de Programación y Estructuras de datos de Python

Alicia Pérez

Javier Abadía

  • 23 Septiembre 2017, 16:30 - 17:00
  • Sala Bloomberg
  • Idioma: es

En esta charla usarlos la resolución de varios retos de programación para ilustrar cómo las herramientas de Python nos ayudan a escribir código correcto, conciso y expresivo: - asserts, para verificar que el código se comporta como esperamos - tuplas, namedtuples, objetos, para representar los datos de forma compacta y manejable - iteradores, comprensiones, zip, enumerate, para visitar o manipular colecciones de datos - collections: Counter, defaultdict, deque, para guardar los datos de forma más inteligente - itertools: cycle, takewhile - algoritmos BFS - regex, para analizar cadenas

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Backend Developer en StyleSage

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Javier is an experienced technologist that has been working in different technical and management roles over the last 20 years: leading development teams, evangelizing about geographic information technology and even writing software for various models of fighter aircraft. He believes in zero-bug software, paranoid testing, agile methodologies automation and team work.

Passionate runner and skier, he has decided his next big adventure will be to have fun developing the best big-data analytics front-end anyone has ever seen.

Javier has a Computer Engineering Degree from University of Zaragoza (Spain) and a MBA from Instituto de Empresa (IE Business School in Madrid).